Friday, 6 January 2017

How to Increase Tourism in a City

There are thousands of cities around the world, but only few are Tourist spots. A city which has good Tourism is always very popular. Tourism helps the city in people to people contact, Cultural Exchange and creation of Jobs.  Cities like London, New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Singapore, Dubai, Bangkok, Hong Kong and Sydney are some of the most popular among Tourists. These cities were developed in order to bring large number of tourists. What makes a city popular among tourists? In this Blog we will discuss just that. In the First Part of this Blog, we discussed ways of increasing Tourism in a country. In this Blog, we will discuss on ways of increasing Tourism in a city. Let’s get started…..


1.    Tourist Spots: Make a list of at least 5 places which you want to popularise as Tourist Attractions. These may include Monuments, Buildings, Beaches, Mountains, Parks, etc. , which gives the tourists at least 5 options. This will make the tourists excited, and willing to spend more time in the city.

2.  Variety: When selecting Tourist spots, make sure you are catering to everyone. Someone likes Mountains, while some like Beaches. Some tourists prefer Monuments, while some Adventure sports. So, make sure that you have a variety of places to choose from.

3.   Development: Once the places are shortlisted, develop them. Infrastructure is the backbone of a city. It includes Buildings, Signboards, Public Transport, Hospitals, etc. These facilities enhance connectivity and comfort to tourists. A place which is easy to Navigate and Live is always preferred by tourists.


4.   Airports: Airports are very important for a city. They not only enable travellers to visit the city, but also provide huge Business. A big International Airport will make it easier for foreign Travelers to visit the city. Reduce Parking and Fuel charges to encourage Airlines to operate here. If you are in a Country with a famous Airline, ask them to operate more flights to Domestic and International routes.

5.   Bus/Rail Stations: Develop big Rail and Bus Stations in the city. They should be capable of handling tourists from other cities. Tourists may be domestic or International, but a good Intercity Transport system will help them a lot. If the city is situated in a large country, Bus/Rail services should be offered to all small and big cities. You can also organise Bus and Bike Tours to the city.

6.   Roads: Make sure the Roads inside and outside the city are good. Good Roads encourage travellers to come again and again. Also, it saves Time and Cost of Travel.


7.    Cleanliness and Hygiene: The city should be clean and hygienic. You don’t want your tourists to fall sick here. Ensure safe drinking water and clean Air in the city. Nowadays, many cities are suffering from Air Pollution and Unsafe water. It blows off tourists. Also, make sure your residents are enjoying good health and well-being.

8.   Accommodation: The city should have accommodation facilities for everyone. Hotels, Resorts, Guest Houses, Hostels, etc. must be available throughout the city. There should be an option for everyone, be it Luxury Traveller or Budget Traveller.

9.  Food: Food is the most important thing a traveller needs. Develop a Multi-cuisine Food Culture by inviting Global Food chains to open up outlets and Food stalls. A variety of Restaurants, Cafes, Nightclubs and Street Vendors will be loved by tourists. Give them as many options as you can.


10. Shopping: Many travellers like to shop. Thus, make sure you have a lot of Shopping Areas in the city. A variety of shopping malls, arcades, plazas and streets will do the job. Have some budget markets for Budget Travelers.

11.  Law and Order: It is important to provide Safety and Security to your guests by implementing proper Law and Order. Tourists must feel safe at all times, and should feel free in contacting the Police. An unsafe city can never become Tourism Friendly.

12.  Friendly Locals: The residents of the city should be friendly towards their guests. They should be helpful at all times, and show honesty towards the tourists.

13. Promotional Campaigns: carry out promotional campaigns on digital and social media. Hire Travel Bloggers, Writers and Journalists to cover key features of the city. Encourage tourists to share photos/videos of the city in social media.

These were a few ways in which Tourism can be increased in a city. If we have missed something, do comment below…..

If you haven’t read the First Part – “How to Increase Tourism in a Country”, click on the link:

Johannesberg city market

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